Thoughts from the bath....
I don't have to have a shave tonight. Unlike any previous job I've had, I've always had to be presentably clean shaven. No more! This might not sound like a big deal to anybody else, but after years of having to be like that, coupled with having to wear suits, to me it's a big deal.
Dicks kinda float in the water.
I made a wise choice changing the boneshakers. This other car seems to be holding up very well. I'm currently toying with the idea of giving it a good run and risking the journey up to see The Girl at the weekend.
*Thought pending*
Oh fuck, Valentines day is coming up. Not being single anymore makes this complicated. I've been used to ignoring the day on the grounds of it being a day of crapness. A day where emotions range anywhere from disappointment, bitterness, jealousy, love, elation, expectation, disillusionment, sadness, happiness, hate and pretty much any other emotion connected with relationships is celebrated, just makes no sense to me whatsoever.
Oh fuck, Valentines day is coming up. Yes, it crossed my mind again.
Long bath, huh?
Today, I listened to one of the other guys on the training course with me. He used to be a Police Officer. Did it for 4 years and decided he just wasn't cut out for it. He went on to say that he'd hated it ever since his first 'bad' call out, about 12 months after he joined them.
The call out was to a house that needed to be broken into. There were reports of nobody seeing the guy who lived there and after other attempts to communicate with him, the next step was to break into his house. They put the front door through and were immediately immersed in a wretched stench. Upstairs in one of the bedrooms, he'd commited suicide. He didn't say how long the guy had been dead, but not only was the body decomposing, but the guy's dog had run out of food and been chewing at his flesh to get a meal.
I thought things like that only happen in the movies. What a horrible story. I can't even begin to imagine being witness to something like that.
Still no news from the money people. I phoned them tonight when I got back only to be told something I'd heard like 4 weeks ago. She was very unhelpful and I came off the phone pissed off. Possibly not a good time to leave a voicemail for the guy who's supposed to be co-ordinating it all, huh?
It kinda went...."Yes, this is Mr bedshaped, telephone contact number blah blah blah, I really want a call back from you tomorrow morning please. I have realised I am getting nowhere fast with this loan from your company and am now looking to borrow the money elsewhere. I am really pissed off with the way I have been dealt with and am convinced you run a company policy that nobody in the building is allowed to communicate with anybody else. Please call me before midday and please leave an ansafone message with your direct number, a number that you will actually pick up. Thanks....bye x"
Exciting, isn't it?
1 parlez:
In the bath this evening I thought of the following exciting things:
How much I disliked the Guillemotts album I was listening to...
Why am I going to see them live next week...
What to get for my friend M's birthday...
Whether there was anything in the fridge that could be cobbled into a meal...
How long the evening meeting I have tomorrow night will last...
And whether or not to shave my legs...
I did. In case you're wondering.
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