Just how unproductive can one person be?
I've had a crap day. This morning I spent two hours on the phone, in synch with trying to get onto websites, all in the aid of getting tickets to see The Killers. I was unsuccessful. This now means I am waiting to hear from a guy, who is a friend of a friend, to try and call in a favour. I wont know if anything will come to fruition until tomorrow evening.
Next up was checking my bank balance in the hope that not only would the cost of the tickets be there, but also I'd have enough to go and buy some things like paint and skirting board. I'm looking decidedly thin on the ground in the financial department. I know I've spent out a lot lately, what with the V Festival and all that, but I didn't quite realise the pending disaster.
Oh well.
With no chance of opening my wallet today, I resided to sit around and sulk for a good hour. Here I was with a whole day off....to myself, feeling lost.
I have loads to do. I mean loads. So where was my motivation? Where was my drive and enthusiasm? Where the hell did all this down time come from?
The result of the day off so far has included me washing up, washing through the bedclothes, breaking down some broken tree branches and burning a few CD's. I could have normally done all that in an hour, but no....No, today I seem to be on slo-motion mode.
Over the last few days I've grown a beard. Not a full faced hairy Grizzly Adams style beard, just a little one, fairly tidy and short. This wasn't done out of laziness, nor from me being bored. It was done because I knew we were getting a visit from one of the mega high Directors of the Company sometime this week. He hates beards. I know this because when he's met Saleguys with beards before, he's made no bones about the fact he hates them, usually by telling the guy right there and then. He's old school in his thoughts and methods and is convinced people don't like to talking to guys with beards.
When we know we're getting these visits, there's always the 'extra effort' to tidy up and make sure everything's in it's right place. It feels like we're awaiting a visit from Royalty or something. Then there's the extra visits from other bosses to make sure everything's good so they don't get embarrassed.
All this fuss. And for what? 20 minutes at best, most of which is spent in offices anyway.
Well the fucker turned up, but today! On my damn day off!
That's the beard going then.
In a moment of spontaneity, I've spoke to The Blagger and after I've had a nice, hot bath and got changed, I'm going over to his place. He's invited me for the evening and to stay over. Unfortunately Krusty is also gonna be there, so there's no point in me taking the lube then, huh.
6 parlez:
Ah, that's rubbish about the Killers tickets. I bet half of them will turn up on Ebay in the next 24 hours which stinks even more. There's nothing I love more than a good gig, nothing I hate more than lining some tout's pockets to go there.
There were tickets on Ebay within 10 minutes of them going on sale.
It's a fucking fiasco.
If I'd have thought about it more seriously, I'd have gone to the venue box office this morning instead of relying on my past track record of always being able to get tickets.
Maybe you could all use the lube on each other ... :). Sucks about the tickets :/.
hahaha, you're a freak. ;)
Damn touts, I really hate that. In actual fact, most promoters are only releasing a tiny amount of tickets to venues now (I posted about this earlier in the week) so you have little choice but to go through Ticketmaster and the other rip-off merchants. I'm on TM's mailing list and sometimes you get a pre-sale, for example, I was able to get Morrissey tickets the day before they went on general release, so might be worth doing that for next time? I know that doesn't help on this occasion but you never know, someone may come up trumps with tickets yet.
Aah....the days of free-for-all lube have since passed.
I would prefer phreak.
I too am subscribed to TM, along with a few others. I was kinda frustrated because I received no communication about a pre-sale, even though I am also subscribed to The Killers main website and others in connection with their music label. When the Aloud/TM websites finally decided to load up, on the right hand side, just above where it said "tickets on sale Friday 9am", it said, "Pre sales log in here - valid until 8am Friday morning"
Can nobody get it right?
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