Friday, March 31

Know your day is gonna come.

This week has been unbelievably busy at work.
This hasn't been such a bad thing, 'cos it's helped take my mind of things. Things that I have no control over and yet things....things that linger in your head.
Unresolving things....

I'm working all over the weekend, so no break for me until next Thursday.

I've been invited out Saturday night. I said, "maybe", 'cos I think I just want some time to myself this weekend. So that "maybe" could well turn into a "some other time".

There's been some good news in the camp today.
Maybe this will give me a little boost, as I've been a little low of late.

I've burnt myself on the iron tonight. It's in the usual place where I always catch myself, on the inside of my right arm. It's a little red, it stings a little, it looks like it's gonna be sore, but I'll live.

The Blagger bought his girlfriend, Krusty, a lovely white gold bracelet, with little diamonds linked through it, for her birthday. It's really lovely.

Yesterday, I spent a lot of, listening to some new albums. Apart from the new Embrace one, I also heard The Zutons, Jamie Foxx, Skin, Panic at the disco, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Morrissey and Fall out boy.

Damn, my taste is improving.

I'm kinda struggling with the new Embrace CD. I wasn't too taken by the single "Natures Law" and hoped it wasn't a good representation of the CD. Whilst not being wrong, I was damn close!
That said, I'm quite enjoying repeat listening, trying to get off the fence and decide either way if I like it or not.
I want to love it like I do all their other albums. I want find little hooks in each track and pull Danny's lyrics apart.
The jury is still out....

The title track is a stonker though!

3 parlez:

Sall* said...

Mad March most certainly in Carsalesland. It's the new reg's and the end of the financial year so full steam ahead to make the figures look good.

Well.. that's what I think!

And with things that you have no control of.. let them go..

Hey Ho!

Anonymous said...

hey bedshaped, just wanted to say hi. you happen to be one of my late nite lurks and i hadn't been here in a good minute. like the new (well, new to me) layout. anyway, back into hiding.

bedshaped said...

You're damn close about the car business!

It's more difficult to let things like that go.

Hi mona lisa,
Not much goes on here I'm afraid.