Thursday, July 17

I’ve got my own small world in here, of happy and sad and the little I have seen.

Bang goes my anonymity.
(NSFW) !

9 parlez:

switch said...

yea I could tell it was you.

that snarky expression gave it away.

Anonymous said...

that is fantastic. FANTASTIC

beth said...

Thankfully I spotted the 'NSFW' just in time....

Anonymous said...

I'd leave a comment but my monitor just exploded.. :)

Cat said...

The Girl's a lucky lady...

Duck said...

Is the sofa from John Lewis? I'm looking for one just like it?

bedshaped said...

Dammit. I was going for come to bed eyes!

Pleased you think so.

....just in time.

I assume no responsibility.

Well, she might be if she were with him.

A sofa from John Lewis? Blimey, you're almost too good for that cul-de-sac.

Miss A said...

is that really you?!

bedshaped said...

miss a,
I'm afraid not, no. He's an imposter.