Tuesday, August 15

Right now is the way it's going to be, from now until forever. Let's have less of getting clever with me.

I bet Levis never saw this coming.

Making jeans can't be a straight-forward process anymore. Long gone are the times when all they had to do was set the machines to whichever style of cut and off you go.
Now, making jeans must have doubled in production time, because making the jeans to the 'cut' is only half the job done. Once cut and stitched together, they must undergo all manner of things, like being dragged through dirt, set partly on fire, ripped with a blunt knife, washed with stones, shredded, picked at, scuffed, scrubbed, mutilated, soaked with bleaches and all manner of different colours, dragged on and off a dummy model to get the 'worn feel'.

Anyway....no point to that. It's just something I thought about while I was sat on the step, having a smoke.

Over the past couple of weeks, anonymous calls have been made to my mobile. When I say anonymous, it's most likely somebody with-holding their number. Most of them I've ignored because I don't like answering calls from an unknown number and always think if it's a genuine call, they will leave me a message.
No messages.
I've picked the call up a couple of times, both being hung up on straight away.
A couple of times, the mobile has only rung a couple of times before being hung up. Sometimes nothing for 3 or 4 days, then 4 or 5 times a day. The ones before 6am aren't really that funny.
Today, my mobile rang. "Unknown number" on the screen, so I ignored it and switched the ring to silent. A minute later a text message tells me I have a new ansafone message.
I listen....
It's a song. A song I know. It also sounds like the person timed it just right so I would hear a certain few lines of the song, then hung up.
Seems like somebody has gone to a lot of trouble to make sure I heard that. And for what? Am I supposed to listen to the words and all of a sudden think of a certain person.
I did....The Girl.
And I also wonder what the person has been doing since they left me that message. Are they sitting there, waiting for me to call them? Are they waiting for a knock at the door or a similar message back? Are they sitting there, feeling all smug 'cos they got their important point across (it must be important, right, to go to all that trouble) and feeling confident that I have understood their message?
If they don't hear anything from me, will they give me some more of the song?
If it's one of my friends playing a joke, then I just don't get it.

So....the important stuff.
I've packed my tent back up after being pitched up in the garden for a few days to air out. I've washed through my sleeping back and sorted out all the clothes I'm taking with me. I'm doing the 'shop' on Thursday evening after work. That will be the last of the things to sort out, so Friday morning will be me waking up, packing the last things and setting off.
I appear to be a lot more organised this year.
This makes me worried that something won't go according to plan.

The pessimist in me beats the optimist any day of the week.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna be with The Girl.
Somewhere I long to be.
In who's arms I love to fall asleep in.

2 parlez:

Dita said...

And uhm, just what kind of smoke were you having while pondering the production of Levis Jeans?


Cat said...

I never pick up witheld or unknown number calls either - they're usually the bank or work or something. That song business would freak me out though!