Monday, July 17

I was just guessing at numbers and figures. Pulling your puzzles apart.

What the hell is up with Shaggy's voice?

It's impossibly ridiculous, yet terribly infectious.
If I close my eyes when he's singing, all I can see is a muppet. And when I think about it, he doesn't actually remind me of any of the muppets, just....a muppet.
But it would have a wide mouth....a big floppy hair....and be purple....maybe.

Sat outside a bar.
A gent in his late fifties, early sixties sits down next a woman.
They share a drink,
they share conversation,
they share laughter,
they share love.
The way he looks at her gives away his position of pure adoration.
And I wondered if he was remembering that day they spent together, so long ago, when a butterfly handed on her hands and he thought she was the most amazing thing he'd ever seen.

In a mix of many other people around, that guy made me envy him.
I think we decided their names were Iris and Derek.

2 parlez:

surly girl said...

i love seeing older/old people who are clearly madly in love with each other.

gives me hope for the future.

bedshaped said...

My thoughts exaclty, surly