Saturday, July 29

Dressed me up in womens clothes, messed around with gender roles, line my eyes and call me pretty.

7 parlez:

Sall* said...

But where's the feather boa? Very T-Rex!

Sall* said...

and very James too (:

bedshaped said...

I can assure you, there was a feather boa.
I'd appreciate not being asked to prove that point!

Can never have enough James.

Sall* said...

I know, I saw it!

Tim said...

Shit. I always thought that was "Messed around with Generals."

Not sure which version to prefer.

moi said...

i like 'messed around with generals' better. :)

bedshaped said...

Of course "messed around with genitals" would have topped them all.

I'm afraid I'm disappointed in you. What with the Magic Numbers comment too.
