Quick time check : 7.44pm.
That gives me just under an hour get get myself sorted out for a night out on the tiles.
There will be no painting the town red, there will be no boisterous anarchy and there will be no 'kissy kissy' action, not from me anyway.
How come when you know about a night out coming up that sounds good, you have time to plan a few things and know most of the people who will be there, it always turns into a 'downtime moment'.
A downtime moment = not looking forward to it anymore.
A downtime moment = almost becoming a chore to go out.
A downtime moment = I'd rather just stay in, settle down on the sofa, have a couple of glasses of wine and tuck into a good movie.
It's Krusty's pre-birthday celebrations tonight. I'm led to believe there will be just over 20 people in 'our crowd', which in itself makes me nervous.
The plan (Shit, how I hate planning things) is for 8 of my friends to meet me here, then we take a minibus/taxi up into the City centre where large measures of drinking and dancing will take place. The return minibus/taxi is due to collect us falling out of the club at 2.15am and then returning myself and the other 8 friends to my place for the rest of the evening/morning.
It will be interesting to see how many of the other 8 actually make it back here, as opposed to go off with other people for some 'kissy kissy' action. It may not be a bad thing considering by simple mathematics....There's gonna be 9 of us here....and I have 4 beds.
The sofa isn't really big enough for anybody to sleep on, but I guess I do have plenty of floor space, although I may be sadly lacking in the blanket department.
Not wanting to ruin anybody else's fun, especially Krusty's, I'm now gonna spend the next 45 minutes making myself look beautiful and painting on a smile.
3 parlez:
i hope you had a nice time last night in spite of no kissy kissy action and not wanting to go out.
it happens to me all the time, sometimes the living room looks so inviting.
so. how was it?
i've had too many of those nights. sometimes it feels like a chore. you're spending too much on alcohol which is making you feel worse...but then once in a while you have a night that's just perfect, sort of makes up for all the crap. that's what seems to happen to me anyway.
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