Sunday, June 11

People go dancing in crowded rooms, my head is getting tired, darkness looms.

Today was boring.

Couple together some of the best weather we've had for ages, with the World Cup football matches and what you have is a combination strong enough to overthrow 95% of the population.
Needless to say, we only had a few people come into the Dealership today. One couple who wanted to know if we have any left hand drive Fords, one guy who was thinking about changing his car in September and a couple who wanted parts.
I can honestly say, they robbed me of 6 hours of my life. Bastards!

I was asked to go out tonight. I declined saying I had to cut the lawn. I'm becoming some horrible domesticated person, now I'm in my own place. I find myself talking to people about gardens, trees and decorating ideas.

And that Gomez track is so clever. The beginning...the banjo type thing hits the chords too early....but it's goes drives the song forward, along with his vocals. Then when it hits again, just before the bridge, it gets delivered just a little too late.
So clever.

I'm currently picking through a bag of Revels, to make sure I don't get the nut or coffee ones and I've just asked for some Big Brother eviction tickets.

4 parlez:

lolly said...

Orange revels are great. I must be old though cos I remember when they had coconut ones.

moi said...

you know nothing is wrong with talking about trees, right? I do it all day long...

Dita said...

Sometimes domestication is good to. Time to clear the mind and all.

Be well.

bedshaped said...

Thanks for the info, although a little too late! Raisons do as much for me as nuts do, so it's been a no-win situation for me.
I feel a letter to my MP is in order.

Coconut insides in Revels?
Surely you jest.

I'm still very much a beginner in the garden department and tree seem to be an easy target.

I'm not sure I could handle a domesticated me.