Saturday, August 12

I walk outside and try to see you right in front of me. Silhouette of something sweet and so bright .

It's heavy in the clouds above.

An old man sits alone on a park bench
Watching the world go by
As he always liked to.

Heavy on the eyes, hard of hearing
It was all that loud music
His mother always warned him.

An old cloth cap to hide his baldness
Glasses perched on his nose for assistance
As and when needed.

Watching the world go by in front of him
While his mind plays back memories
In black and white
And slow motion.

Of the years he spent walking a journey
That ultimately led him nowhere
Except full circle.

He always thought he'd be dead by now
Not so much 'live fast die young'
More just....die young.

His skin wears sores from the slipping and the falling
The years have added their unsteadiness
And stifled his pace.

His flame is all about to die out
But his heart is still beating
To the percussion that is life.

But it's still heavy in the clouds above.

New songs on the right, reflecting my mood.

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